Santa Monica Criminal Defense Attorneys
If you're facing criminal charges in Santa Monica, you may be feeling overwhelmed and unsure of what to do next. With the threat of court penalties ranging from jail or prison time to hefty fines, probation, and more as well as a permanent criminal record, your freedom, and future are at stake. Nothing is as important as putting the right defense representation on your side. This is a critical matter where integrity, experience, and commitment can make all the difference in whether you end up with a positive or negative outcome.
At Stein & Markus, we handle state and federal criminal cases every day. Our firm is devoted entirely to the exclusive practice of criminal defense which has given us invaluable experience. Furthermore, we offer a substantial advantage in mounting effective defenses due to the 33 years of experience Attorney Joseph A. Markus brings to the table as a former prosecutor. No matter how complex or challenging your situation may be, our team has likely fought cases like yours before in our many decades of practice.
Connect with Stein & Markus via our website or by phone at (562) 512-7030 for a free initial consultation with a Santa Monica criminal defense lawyer. Hablamos español.
The Benefits of Working with Us
Our firm is uniquely positioned to help you fight all types of criminal misdemeanor or felony charges.
We provide the following benefits:
- More than 75 combined years of criminal law experience
- Extensive prosecutor experience
- Thousands of cases handled
- Respected by local lawyers, prosecutors, and judges
- Respected and recommended by law enforcement
- Representation exclusively dedicated to criminal defense
- Close client communication, support, and service
How a Criminal Defense Attorney Can Help
Our team takes on a variety of tasks when defending you against state or federal charges, including investigation, negotiation, and representation in court.
One of our primary roles is to investigate every aspect of your arrest and the charges you face. This includes reviewing and analyzing all available evidence, interviewing witnesses, looking for evidence that will support your case, and conducting research to build an effective defense. Because of our vast experience in the criminal justice system, we can evaluate whether the evidence against you is flawed, inconsistent, or otherwise weak and whether it was legally obtained.
We can also negotiate with prosecutors to get charges reduced or dismissed altogether where applicable. However, we will only work on plea bargains where it is in your best interests. Throughout the duration of your case, we will protect your Constitutional rights and fair treatment under the law.
Our team can create defenses based on various legal strategies, such as challenging the legality of evidence, proving entrapment, or proving self-defense. Each case is unique, and our task is to identify which strategy will be most effective in each situation. Each defense is finalized and presented in court when the case proceeds to trial.
Formidable Defenders Providing Strong Advocacy
The legal system is complicated and can be overwhelming. Our team is uniquely equipped to help you navigate the system and seek positive results based on our thorough understanding of the law and the justice system, the experience we have gained over decades as professionals, and the unrelenting commitment and advocacy we extend to all our clients.
Recognized as a Top-Tier Law Firm
Our Awards & Associations